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1. Initializing

The initialization phase is crucial in setting the stage for efficient and streamlined development, particularly for projects centered around Python and MLOps. This chapter aims to guide you through establishing a robust development setup, ensuring that every necessary tool and environment is correctly configured from the get-go. By following these foundational steps, you'll create a solid base for your project, enabling smooth progress and reducing the likelihood of delays caused by environment-related issues.

  • 1.0. System: This section ensures your system is adequately prepared, outlining the essential prerequisites for installing and effectively running the necessary development tools.
  • 1.1. Python: Here, we introduce how to set up Python—the core programming language for our projects. We'll focus on version management and creating isolated environments for each project to avoid conflicts and dependency issues.
  • 1.2. pyenv: We explore pyenv, a tool for managing multiple Python versions. It's invaluable for working on various projects that each require different Python environments.
  • 1.3. Poetry: This part delves into using Poetry for dependency management and project packaging. It simplifies the process of defining, installing, and updating project dependencies with ease.
  • 1.4. git: Focuses on git, the cornerstone version control system integral to GitHub. You'll learn how to initiate and manage repositories effectively, a critical skill for collaborative development.
  • 1.5. GitHub: Discusses how to leverage GitHub for project hosting, version control, and collaboration. It's a pivotal component in modern development workflows, facilitating teamwork and project management.
  • 1.6. VS Code: Highlights the setup of Visual Studio Code (VS Code), showing how to adapt this versatile editor into an integrated development environment (IDE) customized for Python and MLOps projects.